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About Us

Since 2004 EHZ-CENTER has been manufacturing and selling the equipment, materials for electrochemical protection and other electrical products. More than 400 types of products made by different manufacturers are stored in two warehouses with 1,000 sq. m. overall space. The company offers its own goods and the goods from 20 leading firms. The different clients, including Public Joint Stock Company Transneft, Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom, the biggest consumers of the goods and services aimed to protect and to construct the pipelines, are attracted by a wide choice of goods and price. This fact backs up high quality of our products. More about the Company

Working with us is convenient

  • Trust

    Every day, more than 30 applications.
    every six months
    customer base increases by 125 new customers

  • Scope

    We deliver in Vladivostok And
    other regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS
    products of more than 20 leading manufacturers

  • Support

    We provide support in
    equipment commissioning.
    We repair the equipment within 5
    working days

  • Expertise

    Since 2004 we are in the market of
    electrochemical protection systems.
    All products are declared and certified

  • Availability

    More than 400 types of goods are stored
    in 2 warehouses with 1,000 sq. m.
    overall space.

Clickable Flowchart of Electrochemical Protection To Flowchart

Our main clients

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Some Interesting Facts

Installation Guidelines for Grounding Anodes

Comparison of Electrodes

Features of protectors PM-5U...

Использование термитной приварки...

Инструкция по монтажу медно...

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About the Company

EHZ-CENTER manufactures and sells:
  • equipment used for electrochemical protection, construction of pipelines and reservoirs;
  • devices used to automatize technological processes;
  • equipment used in power industry.
EHZ-CENTER provides the following services:
  • construction, installation and commissioning of the equipment used in electrochemical protection systems to protect the metallic facilities from corrosion;
  • design, installation and mounting of the automatic control system cabinets ShSAU, pump automation units; delivery, rent and maintenance of the pumps in ShSAU;
  • warranty and post-warranty repairs within one working week;
  • contracting works;
  • delivery of the equipment and materials.

Products and services from EHZ-CENTER are trustworthy, available, supported, provided in a wide range and with a high expertize

EHZ-CENTER cooperates with and delivers products and services to the firms involved in fuel and energy industry, housing and utility sphere, construction area in the regions of the RF and CIS. Contact EHZ-CENTER to purchase certified and declared equipment used in power industry, automation, electrochemical protection in one place and with the minimal costs. We receive the requests from at least 30 clients daily. The number of our customers increases by 70 new clients every 6 months. You are invited to join in. Contact us at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at Welcome to EHZ-CENTER!